By vreenya - 08/04/2014 20:13 - Chile - Santiago

Today, my little brother was feeling like the god damned bratty douchebag he is and hurled a basketball at me. It missed, hit the wall, and rebounded straight into his face. He burst into tears, and I'm now grounded because my parents believed him when he said I threw it at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 606
You deserved it 4 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThomasBombadil 31

Little brothers are a pain sometimes. Thankfully they grow up.

Well my brother ran me over with a snowmobile and blamed it on my GROWN ASS neighbor and my mum believed him and actually went to court about it. The lawyer was really cool, he had a marijuana plant dude smokin' a cig tattoo.


If I were you Op, I'd whack him in the face with that ball next chance I got and when asked why I'd say that if I'm going to be punished anyway, might as well be for something I actually did. That way the little shit will think twice next time he tries to pin his own stupidity on someone else.

skyeyez9 24

My daughter is an only child. She should count herself lucky she doesn't have to put up with rotten, scheming, lying siblings.

I guess I got lucky since my little sister never did this crap to me in fact we're really close but that sucks op

Well if they are gonna be like that then get grounded for really doing it.

Call me a bitch, but I would actually throw something at him after this. You already suffered the consequences, why not get the pleasure from it? Maybe that's just my mentality.

I definitely don't think you're alone in that mentality... it might be a bit childish, and "stooping to their level" but sometimes in life, you just have to take that moment of evil pleasure when you can... I'd nail him in the face with a basketball ASAP.

EastyBeasty 4

I used to torture the **** out of my little brother. I got in so much trouble over shit he did. So I got even.

fuckyouropinion 4

Don't worry about him being a little douche now. I was a little douche when I was little, now my sisters and I get on great.

Badkarma4u 17

What kind of big brother are you? Beat him down for lying. Put the fear of God into him.

Karma will take your revenge, or you will, quietly, smoothly like a ninja :D