By vreenya - 08/04/2014 20:13 - Chile - Santiago

Today, my little brother was feeling like the god damned bratty douchebag he is and hurled a basketball at me. It missed, hit the wall, and rebounded straight into his face. He burst into tears, and I'm now grounded because my parents believed him when he said I threw it at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 606
You deserved it 4 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThomasBombadil 31

Little brothers are a pain sometimes. Thankfully they grow up.

Well my brother ran me over with a snowmobile and blamed it on my GROWN ASS neighbor and my mum believed him and actually went to court about it. The lawyer was really cool, he had a marijuana plant dude smokin' a cig tattoo.


Write his name in his hanwriting on something of yours and then show your parents.

equitationbound 22

Instant karma, for him at least.

Might as well throw one at him for reals.

I hate siblings.My sister always starts an argument or fight,and when my dad finds out about it,she blames it on me.Luckily,my dad has some commom sense and doesn't believe her.

Goblin182 26

Its strange how, when there are 2 siblings and the youngest is crying parent will believe what ever that kid says. I finally realized that my oldest son was not a monster and I started asking my younger son what he did to make his big brother do whatever to him. Funny how the crying and tattle telling stopped after that.

This is a out rage almost like when I hit my sister with a blanket and she started to cry