By Anonymous - 19/12/2010 20:51 - United States

Today, my last remaining pet, a hamster, died. Even he thinks it's better to drown in his water dish than brave the world living with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 120
You deserved it 7 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yourmurderscenex 13

im sorry but this should teach you a lesson.. you dont give a hamster a BOWL to drink water out of. you give them water bottles that hooks on the side of their cage. ugh. idiot.

Thats why people have water BOTTLES for their hamsters...


could you watch my wife's cats while we are on vacation. maybe you can get them to quit chewing my shoe laces. thanks.

they'll stop chewing them but only so they can hang themselves with the shoelaces

iseywisey 0

wow and your on FML complaining? people like you shouldn't have pets if they're a) going to give their hamsters BOWLS in stead of BOTTLES b) the minute they die, go on a site to brag about it to get attention

if you think the hamster committed suicide cause he doesn't like you, you're retarded

debatingalways 0
peanut1534 3

for the sake of all hampers .... stop buying more if they keep dying ur obviously not very good at keeping them

Scorch117 0

You're not supposed to give it water from a dish, genius, you're supposed to have it drink from gravity-fed tanks you can get at pet shops!

My hamster died of old age my dad thinks. I've had him for 3 years all most. Prob happened to yours just died when it was drinking water?

kykevargas33 0

Yes, because your hamster really killed itself because it hates you.

Dayum OP.....your post makes Me want to slit my wrists....