By sigh - 07/11/2015 05:39 - Australia - Rockdale

Today, my husband is sulking because he "can't" have sex with me. I've tried initiating things multiple times, but he keeps saying no, because I'm pregnant and he says it'd be exactly the same as having sex with his own kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 825
You deserved it 3 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Show him a high school biology book so he gets educated. Win-win.


hollyanne27 9

hope he changes his mind in a few months, because that's the best labor enducer!

maybe, just maybe, he doesn't mean litteraly and he doesn't like the idea of pregnant sex. still sucks for you but i think you could respect that

I've noticed a little bit of a decline since I've been pregnant(due on the 30th) but, honestly, I've never experienced better sex haha. I'm sorry your husband is an idiot, bring him to an appointment and have the doctor explain.

lol what no, I have sex with my boyfriend all the time.

I'm 39 weeks pregnant and not ONCE has my fiance ever turned down sex unless he falls asleep right after work and neither have i. if you know how the body Works you shouldn't feel that way XD it cracks me up when men don't wanna have sex because they are "scared they will hurt the baby" or "they feel like they are gonna touch them" ect..cmon now...