By Florida - 27/10/2010 18:46 - United States

Today, my husband informed me that his father adopted a dog. I replied "Cool," he then said, "She happens to have your name." I think my father in law is trying to send me a message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 122
You deserved it 2 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes he is trying to send you a message. As you can see, he thinks very highly of you, enough to call his dog after you... Oh wait...


Be nice nice to the dog, the best revenge is happiness.

Columbiancoke 0
JDCH_99 10

Hilarious. My father and his wife did the same thing to my wife. Jessica was not too happy about the Tsit-zhu named Jessie.

XxdarkangelxX13 0

or maybe he just likes u and named the dog after u:)

don't assume.. maybe he just likes your name :)

bloopblah 0

you should buy a douche and name it after him :)

Maybe hes hintin for you to do doggystyle w him? Hmmm