By wtfdad - 16/11/2014 05:29 - United States - Little Silver

Today, my husband and I told my parents I was pregnant with my first child. The only thing my father did was look at my husband and tell him his pull out game was weak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 212
You deserved it 4 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be glad your father's pull out game was also weak.

Honestly, that's hilarious. I'm sure your dad is happy for you, and, congratulations!


Wow, what a jerk! I'm sorry OP. Don't worry about it, those types just like to be miserable!

My father in law told me I needed to learn how to swallow, lol.

That was actually kinda funny, with the thought that he's joking.

lemex243 5

I automatically pushed the "I agree" button, thinking it was the like button because that's funny right there, i tell you what