By pathetic - 06/11/2013 13:04 - United States - Lincoln

Today, my grocery shopping consisted of Poptarts, SpaghettiOs, Lucky Charms, Popsicles, Easy Mac, and Twinkies. I'm a 25-year-old woman with no kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 986
You deserved it 22 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is wrong with you? You consider THAT food? How could you possibly live on that crap? You clearly forgot the Oreos and beer.


mooseantlers 1

there may be a reason you dont have kids..

Sounds like mine and I'm 35. That's the fun part about being an adult. Though I'm thinking a little fruit and vegis should be in there. C'mon fruit is natures candy.

undertaker1099 2

I see nothing wrong with this whatsoever

I don't think a heart stroke is a thing. (Strokes involve blood not reaching the brain, not the heart.)

Op, you are missing protein from your diet which are found in meat and eggs. I like Slim Jim, (meat is listed in the ingredients!) and Cadbury Creme Eggs, (eggs don't have a long shelf life, but these do!)

my sister is like that lately...she studied and studied she got a job and doesn't know what to do with herself,she eats a lot,and our dad isn't helping with "are you sure you wanna eat that?" comments.. :( i want her to be happy

I would much rather have captain crunch oops all berry and zebra cakes, but hey different strokes for different folks!

PieknyCzlowiek 7

hey if you are short on cash thats understandable

This is not a FML! This is pure happiness in a shopping cart. I'm also 25 with no kids and my shopping trips consist of exactly this, plus ice cream! I still manage to stay very thin so I can get away with this easily, so as long as your health isn't suffering from it, you'll be fine. I ALWAYS complain that I can never buy "REAL" foods because they expire before I can ever finish it, everything is made to serve 4+ people. TV dinners save my life!