By chill - 17/12/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, my grandpa sent me a letter apologizing for not congratulating me about my graduation last spring. Too bad I don't graduate until May. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 626
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kylias 6

Oh shit your life suck-- Yeah, I don't even know how to fake that. Tell him, "Sorry I'm a year younger!" And move on with it. This isn't even "oh shucks" worthy, really.


Dixie_Normous 0

Your grandfather probably has many grandchildren other than you and probably has a hard time remembering everyone's exact age, especially at his age, so stop being a conceited jackass.

What are you bitching for, did the check bounce?

aw give him a break! he's old and most likely forgot or got you mixed up with another grandkid. it's not a fyl situation..

Wow he got the date of your graduation wrong, your life must be unbearable.

OH MY GOD!! CRY ME A RIVER!! You know...its really stupid posts like this that make me wanna stop even looking at this site. WHO IS APPROVING THESE??

this post is fail. it shows he was thinking of you.

Not a big deal at all. You laugh it off and call grandpa saying, "Thanks, you're the first to congratulate me because it's actually this May." Seriously, if this qualifies for an FML, that's pretty sad.

Thunderbender 2

Its funny how pretty much every comment on ths FML is saying how this isnt an FML yet mine was one of the few that got moderated...

This is not a FML. You grandpa obviously cared enough to call, but he's probably just getting forgetful in his old age. I can't believe why the moderators would put this one on the site when so many other stories are being submitted all the time. I'll bet you're the kind of person who would get mad at her husband of 10 years for not remembering what you ordered the first time you went out to eat together. I feel sorry for whoever you do end up with.