By twingirl - 14/08/2009 21:57 - United States

Today, my grandma went to get birthday gifts for my twin sister and me. She returned with 2 shirts that read "I see you've met the twins" in big letters across the chest. She gave them to us and said, "Isn't this cute? 'cause you're twins!" I then had to explain to her what the shirt was actually referring to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 813
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zombies_Freak 0

Ahh, old people and novelty shirts... that can be a dangerous combination...


but do you and your sister have big ****?

lovin_dinozzo87 0

You kiddin' me?? You think that's worthy of an FML? It could have been worse. She could have gotten your twin something spectacular, and you a card. Geez. I'd have found it funy -- post it on IMMD, not FML, ya baby.

haha granmdas are soooooooooooooo cute:)

Wizard_and_glass 0

That's hilarious. But I think it's stupid when people try to get twins to wear matching clothes and treat them as a set instead of individual people. -.-

similar thing happened with a Thats what she Said shirt to me... lol