By Haitwun - 14/12/2015 07:29 - United States - El Monte

Today, my girlfriend tells me she missed her period this month. I felt excited until she said, "I will let you know the results of the paternity test." I was not aware we needed a paternity test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 179
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste


katina1236 20

By the way she said it matter of factly makes me feel like she's joking. If not run far and fast OP if she's cheating at all she's not worth your time. That paternity results part would be a huge red flag

GoogieWithers 22

hopefully she meant pregnancy.

fpants2010 18

If she did in fact mean paternity instead of pregnancy, do yourself a favor and refuse to sign any birth certificate or other paperwork until you see the results of the test. Good luck OP!

She may have been talking about a pregnancy test

That's one hell of a Freudian Slip :/ Sorry, OP

everton99 16

I know it's an absolute far stretch, but maybe OPs girlfriend is an idiot and got pregnancy and paternity test mixed up.

Maybe she misspoke and meant pregnancy test? Like it could be possible she doesn't know what a paternity test is. At least I hope that's the case OP.

saffy66 34

My thoughts exactly. Don't jump to conclusions without checking what she meant, OP!