By EmptyGlass - 19/06/2014 20:04 - United States - Morehead

Today, my girlfriend saw my room for the first time and started yelling at me, calling me racist, white trash for having a Confederate flag hanging on my wall. It's a British flag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 928
You deserved it 2 440

EmptyGlass tells us more.

This happened actually two weeks or so ago I don't visit this site much so I didn't have a account previously. But today I visited it and decided to post this sense that was a FML moment I had with her and thought it would be funny to share. I did explain to her what it really was but argued with me for about 10 minutes that it was really a Confederate flag until I had to go on the internet and show her that it was really a British flag. I ended it with this girl for...various reasons.

Top comments

A British flag in the United States? No wonder she was furious!


Respect101 17

The confederate flag isn't racist itself, maybe the people holding it back then, but the flag has no racist meaning to it. People just associate those two together.

I fail to see why #59 was down voted. For those of who are narrow minded the Confederate flag is a symbol of southern heritage

austin_hall29 9

It's better than her having herpes

Respect101 17

If no one has noticed, the confederate flag has thirteen stars to represent the original thirteen colonies when each colony ran itself. Before the north pushed for unity. Sorry for the history lesson guys.

91hayek 31

Maybe its the same dude haha.

This happened actually two weeks or so ago I don't visit this site much so I didn't have a account previously. But today I visited it and decided to post this sense that was a FML moment I had with her and thought it would be funny to share. I did explain to her what it really was but argued with me for about 10 minutes that it was really a Confederate flag until I had to go on the internet and show her that it was really a British flag. I ended it with this girl for...various reasons.

wow...just wow, well congrats! ^_^

fuckmylife518 15

I'm glad you ended it with her. I would be seriously offended if this happened to me with a significant other.

If she's that stupid, and wants to behave like a child when you proved her wrong, then she definitely wasn't worth it. I applaud you for ending it with her.

I love how you changed your username from "no sex no bjs no anal nothing," to EmptyGlass...quite the turnaround. Funny story though.

zacarious 2

I know black southerners that have confederate flags. So it's not a race thing.

at least she knows what confederates did. . .and kind of how their flag looked xD

Ahem *United Kingdom* the British flag is white with a Red Cross .

michael_shaqson 5

that's the Cross of Saint George aka the flag of England, not Britain.... derp.

#85 You are ******** me, right? There is no such thing as a "United Kingdom" flag.

85 - Um, no that's the English flag. The Union Jack is England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Not wales because they draw a freaking dragon.

The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each country has their own flag, England has the St George's Cross, which has a white background and a red cross. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, can be shortened to either Great Britain, United Kingdom or UK. The flag for Great Britain is called the Union Jack or Union Flag and has a blue background and white and red crosses on it. Now do you understand?