By lentmarz - 19/08/2014 23:37 - United States - Boise

Today, my girlfriend of three weeks found the engagement ring I tried to give to my ex. She started crying and said yes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 234
You deserved it 12 339

lentmarz tells us more.

The story behind this is that when I proposed to my ex, and she said no, I was devastated. I hadn't really gotten over her, but my family set me up and I went out with her to humor them. We had a nice night and had gone out several times since. As for the ring, the materials were worth about $4000 and I spent over 2 weeks smelting and hand designing it. I spent so much time on it, that it didn't feel right to sell it. Also, I have made the decision never to see her again. So yes, I ran.

Top comments

3 weeks? I I didn't even hold MY girlfriend's hand during the first three weeks XD


Best bet is to either tell her the truth or tell her it belonged to a family member or friend who died. Either way I hope you are able to explain to her that the rings exsistance does not mean you are proposing after three weeks.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Lying would just make the situation worse, I think. Can you imagine if she found out? Crazy...

You poor thing! I'm sorry. Don't tell her it was for your ex, if you actually want to stay with this girl! Tell her it's an heirloom from a deceased family member. But tbh, if she thinks you would really propose to her after 3 weeks, or if she would find an engagement ring and just say yes without allowing you to propose/asking you about it, maybe you should run...

Make something up and tell her it was your grandmothers that she have to you or something g like that.

juturnaamo 29

I recently inherited a ring from my grandmother, which I wear, and I noticed something. Jewelry fashion has changed a lot. Someone would have to be dense to believe a ring purchased in the last couple of years was an heirloom. Someone that anxious to get married has window shopped at Zales.

run, run and hide. although dont think keeping the ring was the best idea mate.

my2centsworth 15

It may have been an expensive ring. Reselling it would mean taking another loss.

I hope the OP provides an update for this one!

I just hope she told you that you were engaged before she told her parents.

nitrog100 21

Sooo...yeah; that's going to end badly no matter what now. I suppose it's better for you to find out that she's crazy sooner than later, but it still sucks. Hopefully, you didn't like her too much.

well OP i believe all of us are wondering how the rest turned out. need a follow-up asap.