By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 03:23

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me for not letting her keep the 75 cents that she stole from my truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 207
You deserved it 50 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you couldn't let her keep three quarters? Did you think this would happen: *Mugger: give me at least 75 cents or I blow your brains out! *You: Curse my evil girlfriend, she has killed me!



Sounds like way too immature of a relationship. You should have just shared your spare change, but on the other hand she shouldn't have broken up with you over such a dumb thing. That doesn't sound like love to me!

wtf is wrong with people saying he deserved it?! nobody bothered to think about how pathetic it is to steal 75 cents?! wth is she broke to the point of stealing such a small amount?? its not the amount that matters its the principle involved.. shes in no way deserving of that money, specially if shes dumb enough to break up with the guy just for that!! see the big picture people!!

ReynshineCutting 10

They both screwed up. He shouldn't have "demanded" it back, she should't have dumped him. In a relationship you share. Once you get to a certain point that includes your bank account. If he needed it for a meter he could have asked if she still had it and if she said "no I bought a drink" then he should have said "oh well". I used to keep quarters in my cup holder for meters and my fiancé would always grab a few for drinks. A time or two I ended up a quarter or so short but never got mad at him because there was absolutely no reason to be. This just shows that either they're both stupid (which wouldn't surprise me considering the people on here) or just casual boyfriend/girlfriend whether newly dating or just not wanting to be serious.

Thank you for clarifying that, what would we have ever done without you?

Hell, if she asked like a normal person, then you would be at fault. Unless you agreed to allowing her access to anything and everything in your car, crackhead should have kept her damn claws elsewhere. You are not at fault? She may have the twat, but you have the hand! **** am I kidding? YDI, dickwad.

oh, right, hes the immature one who broke up over 75 cents uh?... makes sense!!

64 - Is your mask like a gay Darth Vader or something?

gptrash420 0

as a married man, I have learned a few things. most important one: just like magnetism, always take the path of least resistance. shit, I would have let my wife keep 75 dollars no sweat. she might buy lingerie: bonus! she might shut up for a while: bonus! are you really gonna cry over 75 cents???? go find three quarters in the street and quit being a jackass, she was probably trying to be cute, but then you ruined it with your douchebagery. so she set you up for the ultimate fail. jackass. next time, give her the damn 75 cents.

just because you decided to be the bitch in your marriage doesnt mean that everybody has to do the same

Good thing she can now afford that lingerie with the 75 cents she found in your car.

Your cheap and she is poor-ass low rent, you're better off apart.

abasio 1

She probably broke up with you because you're a pedantic prick! Not for 75 cents.

so, by everyone's standart, i should be able to rob a series of convenient stores and steal 75 cents from each ones and the cops would have no right to arrest me cause "its only 75 cents you cheapass so it doesnt matter!".. cool, ill go ahead and do just that! ill keep you posted on how it goes!!

are you dating the convenient stores? everybody is failing to realize that she wasn't stealing from a perfect stranger she was borrowing some spare charge from her significant other.

the op used the word "stealing", not borrowed ! why do you people keep trying to change the facts?!

ReynshineCutting 10

Stealing, borrowing, taking, whatever. It's a RELATIONSHIP. Relationships mean you care enough about the other person to SHARE. I could understand $5-10 being an issue if money is tight and the relationship is not serious but if you are serious enough to call yourselves boyfriend/girlfriend 75 cents is nothing.