By Noname - 07/03/2009 17:41 - United States

Today, my friend sent me an instant message, telling me how excited she was that she was accepted to a FIT Summer Program. I told her I was so proud, and that she can finally lose that excess weight. She told me that she meant Fashion Institute of Technology. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 687
You deserved it 70 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greatnt249 0

Your friend brought it upon herself if she said "fit" instead of spelling out F.I.T. Still, you should have asked for clarification on what she meant before saying what you did.

That's a very unfortunate slip xP If she just said the word "fit", it's not your fault, but but if she did indeed spell out F.I.T., you're screwed. And #3, it really is called "The Fashion Institute of Technology" lol.


wrestler_fml 0

Well, if I'm conceited for simply proving you wrong, then that means you're a d*ck for saying it? Really... who's worse- somebody who accuses somebody of something (untruthfully, even worse)... or the person who defends themselves against the claims? Lastly: More important than dieting is exercising hard for hours most days of the week! But fat people usually work around this, and try to only focus on the easy stuff, like dieting. Hence, why they're fat........ stating the truthful stereotype about a group of people isn't hate, since its largely true and i still have fat friends........ I won't have "coworkers", as we OWN the business, genius...... personality? last time i checked im funny, and i get girls all the time...... andddd people who aren't fat and can truthfully say that- THAT'S who says it!..... lastly, sundown, its OK that you're fat, follow what I said and you won't be within a couple months.

kandy_fml 0

Hah. You haven't proven anyone wrong. You've shown your arrogance and hypocrisy. But that's it. You're telling me to not accuse someone of something they aren't. But you accused sundown of being fat. How do you know that person is fat? Hahaha. Idiot. I'm making arguments based on facts and I'm going off of things you have said. You are making arguments by bringing up irrelevant topics such as how many girls you can get and how funny you are. But honestly, we have no idea how attractive and funny you are because in order to boost your self confidence you have to talk about how great you are on the internet. When someone does that, it's usually a dead giveaway that they have some self-esteem issues. But who knows. I wouldn't judge someone I don't know. And I know, I know. You'll tell me I was judging you. But don't waste your time. I started judging you when you started judging overweight people and pointing out how awesome you think you are. I accused you of being self-centered and arrogant. Which isn't far off from the truth because you can't seem to stop talking about yourself. Finally, you said it yourself. Exercise can take hours. Hours that most adults don't have.

Sundown_fml 0

How can you get mad at people for calling you fat-- and then do the same thing to others?!! Your hypocrisy and ignorance is unrivaled! Thank you for calling him out, .

wrestler_fml 0

Because you started it with me, by calling me arrogant and narcissistic. That's how! I didn't come on here to attack people, I A) defended the person who posted this, as his friend is pissed at him enough already... and B) gave ways for overweight people to lose the excess poundage. You did... what? Besides attack me? Just wondering. This isn't to diss you, just for you to put things into perspective. Maybe you should consider that along with pride/conceit and a great body, comes hard work to GET that body, dedication, discipline, etc.! It's not easy maintaining a really in-shape bod. And I have to juggle sports with other stuff. plus, i'm risking my life in the army when im older. so gimme a break I'm not here to argue, so chill out ppl. And this is the last time im on... in case people are wondering how im not fat, if im on it alot... sundays are my day off, for 2 reasons- 1 my body needs a rest, and 2 its the Lords day. so yeah, i only do stuff like this once in awhile on sundays

kandy_fml 0

Uhm. No. I gave you the URL to a site to discredit your claim that all obese people are lazy. I pointed out that not all obese people are simply lazy, there are also genes and environmental factors involved, also some with binge eating disorder. You on the other hand, accused a user of being fat after telling me not to accuse someone of something they aren't. You knew I was right, so now you're trying to play it off as if I'm the one personally attacking you. But honestly, the attacks started when you personally attacked obese people by calling them lazy, ugly, and unintelligent. If you can dish it out you need to be able to take it. No one cares that you're leaving. Honestly, that's probably what the people here would prefer. So have a nice life. You're not gonna have that hot body forever. Think about that the next time you're admiring yourself in the mirror.

If she put it in caps, then that's 100% your bad. Otherwise, you should have asked for clarification first, anyway. Whoever heard of ******* fit camp?

I know that everyone is getting confused at the F.I.T. thing. Being a student at the fashion institute of technology here in Manhattan. And knowing how the school operates. . . FIT just stands for F**K it.

Sundown_fml 0

Yes, the poster is not in any way at fault-- it was a mistake anyone could make. However, I must point out that YOU attacked a specific sect of human beings, WE defended them. Do not make this out to be something it is not. You do sports and you work out. This is admirable, yes, but most people will look at that and think, "So?" This does not make you an extraordinary person in any way, shape, or form. Try to excercise yourself in other ways, perhaps intellectually: propose and publish a research article, work to be accepted into a number of academic honor societies, meet interesting people, read some good books (I think you'd like the greek tragedians like Aeschylus and Euripedes =D ), think for yourself, study abroad, and most importantly, learn to love your fellow human being regardless of one's percentage of body fat. I am sincerely impressed that you are endeavoring to join the armed forces. If you choose to do so, you will experience much of human nature in times of war, and I know you will learn from it. But, please, do not limit yourself to that! Thoreau said that, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." Do not allow yourself to be resigned to that! There is more to life than the amount of sit-ups you can do. In time, you will see this. As you are religious, I am sure you have heard a great deal about the term "curas personalis." In case you are unfamiliar with it,it is a Latin phrase that can be literally translated as "Care of the Entire Person" which refers to the development of one's intellect, soul, and spirit, as well as the body. You must learn to impress people with your acumen, your personality, your regard for others, your love, your generosity, your wit, your ENTIRE self-- only then will you find the true meaning of the word healthy. I'm sorry this turned into an argument-- it was not my intention to promote anger. However, I implore you to listen to the advice that the people in these comments have offered to you. You seem cold, angry, and bitter towards those whom you are convinced are lazy and are undeserving of your repect. You cannot think this way. It will only lead to hate-- and hate will get you nowhere, I assure you Your body is in good shape. I am happy for you, I truly am. However, now is the time to start working on the rest of yourself.

Thats funny....The girls at F.I.T. are usually hot, atleast the ones I've gone out with.