By Anonymous - 20/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, my friend sent me a bumper sticker that said, "Do you know that gullible said slowly sounds like 'green bears'?" I spent quite a few minutes trying to get gullible to sound like green bears until I realized that it didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 165
You deserved it 65 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If someone sends you something containing the world gullible, ignore it and assume you're being tricked. It's a good rule to follow. Also, it took you thirty minutes to realize this? That's just sad.

did you know the word "gullible" isnt even in the dictionary?


iSmellNice 2

You should've known once you read the word "Gullible." If not that, you should've known because it's on a bumper sticker. Bumper stickers usually have jokes and stuff on them

That's a great joke. I'm so sorry that you have to be the butt of the joke, though. So-called friends can be so cruel. They exploit your trusting nature just for a quick laugh. I am on the brink of tears empathizing with the pain you must feel. And if you believe any of that, you ARE gullible! ;)

HAHA!! I get the joke and this isn't one here. It actually kinda sounds like 'gummy bear' if you say it slow enough, I'm seriouse! 8D

skiBOAT 0

I thought it was "green beans?" Maybe the N looked funky. </irrelevant> Anyway, not an FML.

skittlesxmonster 5

did you now that gullible isn't in the dictionary? exactly-don't listen to any sentence with he word gullible in it

twilight_addict 0

haha-don't worry someone said that to me only they said lemonade sounds like gullible i said it out loud infront of everyone =( lol

Jackie10 0

have you not heard that joke before?

NO... this is awesome! I just did that to a chick in my office (we work at a college) and she fell for it too! :) Good times! :) :) :)