By fatty - 23/09/2009 06:47 - United States

Today, my fitness trainer husband told me that if I could not make the commitment to stay thin, he could not make the commitment to stay with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 387
You deserved it 15 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doggie3 0

Awwwww. I struggle with weight issues too, so I feel for you, but that is not cool of your husband. Tons of people are gonna be on here telling you to " divorce his ass" but don't.

Jokes aside, my advice would be this: Talk to your doctor. See if you are at an acceptable weight, or whether your health is/is going to suffer for your weight. If you are healthy, divorce. Your husband is just a shallow asshole. If you are not or are borderline, try to lose the weight. He has your health in mind when he says those things.


Unlucky1232 20

tell him if he can't commit himself to love who you are, you can commit yourself to stay with him.

InfiniteSecret 20

Wow he sounds like a jack ass. It sounds like he wants someone thin not someone healthy.

InfiniteSecret 20

I hope that you ended that relationship. It sounds extremely toxic

randybryant799 20

I'm going to assume you knew how he was before you married him. I think the fact that he's a Trainor is your first clue.