By Noname - 01/02/2009 00:15 - United States

Today, my fiancée "thought I should know" that she has a $125,000 student loan debt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 406
You deserved it 4 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw come ON now. If that was the only way she could pay for her education, you should be proud that she did so and didn't just sit around and be a bum. (Assuming, of course, that she's working.) If she's expecting you to pay for it all, that's one thing. But I'd guess she's going to be doing it herself, just maybe needing a little help here and there. OVer the next 50 years.....

I'm a college student who is going into more and more debt. My boyfriend still wants to marry me regardless. Money < Love


Uh, it's a preexistig debt which means it doesn't become your debt too. Duh. If you love her it shouldn't matter anyway, but since it does, it doesn't affect your credit at all and if they start taking her tax check because of it, there's a paper you both sign so they only take her part and not yours. I have student loan debt and that's what my husband and I have to do.

After marriage your assets and liabilities split 50/50. Meaning you'd be paying over &60,000 for her. So really think about if YOU can support yourself with that kind if debt because it's what you'd be taking on. Best of luck to you OP

In a year in a half, when I graduate with my Juris Doctor, I'll have a little over 200,000 in debt. My boyfriend knows my loan amount. And my boyfriend still plans on marrying me. If you guys didn't have an open stream of communication, and you guys never talked about college or loans, YDI for not asking or bringing it up.

well... you should know? besides almost everyone has a student loan debt and she can pay it off. if you don't have student debts, then chances are she will be the breadwinner anyway.

YDI because if this is a problem for you then you're an idiot for not considering whether or not she had an education and how it was funded before it got to this point in the relationship I don't agree with it being a problem but everyone has different priories in relationships

afallingstar 22

If she's working and trying to pay off her debt why does it matter? The education will help her get a good job (hopefully). My boyfriend has a decent amount of student loan debt and he's more concerned about it than I.