By blahppl14 - 27/12/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend got high and decided to text all our friends and family the crazy stories about us. He was even nice enough to include pictures. I hear a nude one made it to my Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 094
You deserved it 13 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

id say ydi if he was still your bf, but fml cuz he sounds like a asshole

Icarus3 0

This can't be the first stupid, immature, heartless thing he's ever done. YDI for dating such a worthless d-bag without realizing that it would come back and bite you in the ass. If you didn't know him well enough to know what a piece of sh** he is, then YDI for giving naked pictures to someone you didn't know that well. If you've ever participated in or laughed at the ways he's abused other people in the past, then YDI 50 times over for being stupid, immature, and heartless yourself.


I did that once but I don't think my pictures got post or sent to people... there were even videos so u have nothing to worry about! lol.

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT, dumbass. When you chose to take nude pictures, you chose to assume the risk of it being leaked.

AntiChrist7 0

You shouldn't have dated the junkie in the first place. YDI

rockyroad1234 0

Don't take pictures of yourself naked. And don't give them to people -- because you don't know if they're always going to be on your good side, and therefore you don't know if they would keep these pictures just for themselves or share them with the world. So, basically, it's your own damn fault.

FYL that your boyfriend was such a loser, YDI for allowing anybody to take naked pictures of you. Even if you completely trust your boyfriend and he's not the druggo that your bf is - even if he's your HUSBAND- what if his phone got stolen? Then some stranger would have naked pics of you. Nope, definitely YDI for allowing someone to take & store naked photos of you.

jollyjam1 2

Perhaps you should consider hanging out with a better class of pictures. If you had not dated a drug user this never would have happened. So YDI for dating a drug using lowlife.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

You probably think its OK when your husband gets drunk and beats you but are disgusted by high teenagers who hang out in front of convenience stores eating Fronions

jollyjam1 2

Hey genius I am a man. I see what drugs have done to your brain, you cannot tell the difference. Moron.

Tlizzle 0

No. This is not the fault of marijuana. This is her dumbass boyfriend's fault. Marijuana has been proven to have no effects on the brain except for positive ones (help prevent Alzheimer's, etc.). You should try it sometime and lighten up.

I agree with you #38 in the fact that it wasn't the marijuana's fault, and that it was the boyfriends stupidity. Marijuana has been proven to have negative effects on the brain both short term (effects judgment and also motor skills) and long term. Thanks for trying.

ooo thts bad. I wish my bf would do tht )sarcasm

shockcrow 0

YDI for having a BF like that, and for taking nude pics. really, wtf is the trend these days?