By disappointed - 01/07/2016 03:31 - United States - Rockville

Today, my eldest daughter told me about the sharp pains she's been having for the past couple of days. She also told me how she thinks it's really pointy carrots trying to escape her body. She's 11, and going to middle school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 036
You deserved it 1 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be daft! It's obviously a razor-sharp lettuce-leaf!


So... She could possibly get her period soon

Hopefully, it's just her first period. Mine came before my mother was ready, and it scared me to death. She then explained it to me and my younger sister. I was 12 I think. And now girls get it even younger because of hormones in food.

Oh yeah, I didn't really see mines coming, age 10, but luckily I has trust worthy friends who were going through it too. Mom found out a month later though.

she is probably describing it the best she can.

Maybe she was trying to say it felt like pointy carrots. When I'm having really bad cramps, I can barely get a word out.

This happened to my 11yr old 6months later she got her period

bonehead69 15

where's the real Doc when ya need him..suggesting cancer is way out in left field on this one. however take her to the dr sheesh cold be something she ate but better safe than sorry

YDI cause you can't be mad at her for not knowing about period pain. It's your responsibility to make sure she knows what she needs to know.

If it's abdominal, check her appendix.

I got my period with 11 years too. Some girls get it earlier. Talk to her about what happens and hope the other girls don't find out she's so early, they might react in a very negative way, I know it.