By MonsieurH - 03/04/2014 07:44 - France - Perros-guirec

Today, my dog wouldn't stop pestering me while I was eating some chocolate mousse. I tried to get him to leave me alone for a bit by pretending to throw the mousse far away. The pot stayed in my hand, but I covered the furniture in chocolate mousse. My dog enjoyed cleaning it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 183
You deserved it 495

Top comments

Chocolate can kill dogs so you might wanna take him to the vet

Alan, it says "covered the furniture" that's doesn't sound like a "speck" to me. Plus it could be a small dog and even a little bit is dangerous for them.


I like the Simpsons house in the illustration

So the artist stole the background from the Simpsons I see...

It wasn't just the background he stole, the character is supposed to be Homer. lol I thought I was the only one who was going to acknowledge it.

Haha that's funny. I hope your dog is okay, OP.

Why do they live in the simpsons house?

is it just me or does it look like the simpsons living room

Let's hope that OP's furniture was also dark colored. I don't know, does mousse stain?!... Well, even if it doesn't, it would still suck to have to clean up all that. :p