By Z3R0G5 - 06/01/2014 23:00 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, my dog found out how to turn my Xbox off. So whenever he wants attention, guess what he does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 171
You deserved it 19 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So turn the Xbox off and take him for a walk!

Jacksparrow72 21


Khogz 2

Funny how the power of anonymity makes everyone think they're Cesar Millan...

44skull44 6
FalconWhitaker 20

FYL, but at the same time, that's a heck of a smart dog you've got there. Any way you can put the XBox where the dog can't reach, or is he too tall for that?

crazyhorseranch 4

my dog can turn on/off both the 360 and the xbox one - though he prefers the 360 - he is amused by the noise! we just turned the 360 sideways so its inconvenient for him to put his nose in front of the sensor..

Well? What does he do? The suspense is killing me.

poisongirl708 11

Then start paying attention to him more. Many researchers have shown that you have a happier and fulfilled life when you don't stay in front of the video games most of the time.

thats a sign pay more attention to ur dog