By seriouslywtf - 28/04/2009 03:06 - United States

Today, my daughter walked in on me taking a shower. She said, "Hey, yours is the same size as Dylan's!" My daughter has seen Dylan's penis, which apparently is the same size as mine. My daughter and Dylan are 7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 358
You deserved it 9 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know what's worse; the fact that your penis is the same size as a seven year old's or that your daughter already saw a boy's penis at the age of seven, all i know is FYL

That sucks, but maybe this boy has a really huge one and it's not so bad? And first, wow



kdaddy 0

dude dont worry about it: its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog if you know what i mean. i think you should worry more about your daughter seeing penises at age 7.

it's definitely about size!! who do you think you're fooling??

did you question your daughter on how she saw the penis in the first place? =p lol i felt sorry for you

hahahahaha oh man that made me laugh hahaha well done sir.

Shahrez88 0

Its not abut the size of the bone its how well u burry it....getting me bro ;)

I feel for you man. At least you can take solace in the fact it was a cold shower... it was cold, right?

HA! that memory will hunt her for the rest of her life... please if her and Dylan get married bring that up at the wedding

i was about to tell you you're wrong, but it still kills me to know I've seen my dads several times. then again that could be because each time was in the..I'm not gona continue coz then it'd sound like a kinky rape situation...

Dude that sucks. But dont worry about it, she's 7 and probably doesn't even know what it is. And besides, all kids see each others genitals, so its completely normal.

mister_moops 0

maybe dylan's just packin'.

Wooooooow! Not about the penis, but the fact that your daughter has seen DYLANS penis!