By fml - 03/09/2013 06:31 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, my dad told me I was folding my laundry all wrong. I said with a smirk, "A little clothes-minded, are we?" He slapped me. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 523
You deserved it 12 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're lucky you didn't get pun-ched!

hunteryager 18


Mc8005 9

For a pun that horrible, I'd have slapped you too. YDI

Perhaps it was the smirk that ticked him off, OP. Sorry he didn't get the pun right away! :(

I guess he didn't think your joke was very punny.

RedPillSucks 31

I think that would have escalated quickly.

lol that's awesome... My dad would've given me a high-five for that :) and since when do dads know anything about folding clothes, anyway?

I get sick of this idea that men cannot cook, clean, or take care of children because they have a penis.

lolita88_fml 27

That was a major over-reaction. Who the hell hits someone over a pun? Christ, people can be so stupid. Hope you're ok OP <3

The one time a user actually uses you're and its in the wrong grammatical context. Damn.

Put nair in his shampoo. Crack a terrible joke and tell him not to lose his hair over it. When he gets out bald tell him he doesn't wash his hair right.