By Anonymous - 27/05/2015 13:39 - United Kingdom - Letchworth

Today, my dad stood by and nodded in agreement as my sister told me that my clinical depression is "getting REALLY old." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 529
You deserved it 4 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Their ignorance is getting REALLY old too.

Sounds like her clinical bitchiness is getting old too. FYL.


chef4money 12

Thankfully I have a great husband that is very helpful when it comes to my sever depression and bi polar. I'm sorry that your family did that to you and I hope you have someone that you can trust to talk to about it. I know when the ones you depend on don't support your mental health it can and does make it worse. Best of luck with your depression op.

CaroAurelia 12

Tell them it's probably getting old for you, too, but you're the one suffering from it, so tough ****.

Attacksloth 33

Okay, honestly, clinical depression does get old. For both the person WITH the depression, and those close to them. I've had severe anxiety issues and bouts of deep depression (lasting six months at a time usually) for years. It puts a lot of strain on me, but it also puts a lot of strain on the family who also feels powerless to help you. My wife has threatened divorce because she doesn't see me trying hard enough, even though I am trying so hard that it is slowly killing me. Instead of just saying "**** the people who don't understand - you don't need them", actually work through your differences. Because, reality is that you DO need them, but only if they are willing to work on it WITH you. You can't change a stigma if communication is only a one way street. To be quite frank, I think people are heartless whenever I have a panic attack and they tell me to pull it together. But in hindsight? I realize that they too feel powerless, and their minds aren't capable of grasping the sheer depth and severity of the problems I'm experiencing. Especially in the moment. It is frustrating to them, and not necessarily in a selfish way. I know from experience that I put a lot of unneccesary strain on people around me at times. I demand answers that people don't have. The ones I love feel a personal burden on themselves, and they also feel like they failed me. That often manifests in frustration or anger. Work out a plan with them, both you and them should demand mutual respect. Make it a plan that puts responsibility on both YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES to change. Change doesn't happen overnight, but I'm speaking from experience here when I say that family drama makes depression ten times worse. External drama and hostility feeds depression. Of course, if there is no getting through to them, if they are just so hell-bent on not believing the validity of your problem - then decide to take a break from them. Associate yourself with people who are supportive.

I wish everyone could read your comment. That is incredibly constructive

Niether has a clue. Clinical depression is a very, very rough road. Too bad they are so ignorant.

Mental illness is just as bad if not worse than physical injury. Hope you feel better OP!

Look, it is what it is, stand up and just make the best of the situation OP and don't let anyone bring you down. In most cases its you who probably let's yourself down, stand up and fight your demons. Its an inner battle and you can win it but only if you try. And if you have a special person at your side you better fight even harder for them. I've witnessed a lot... to say the least

I suppose you're in talk therapy and taking medication? Sometimes it takes trying different therapy types, therapists, or medications to find the best way to manage symptoms. I wish you the best in seeking recovery, and hope your family stops putting you down. Just remember that you can't control other people and focus on what you can do instead.

Or they came here to post something sucky that happened to them...which is exactly what FML is for.

you're the asshole here ******, theres nothing funny about this post. this app is going down hill because winey bitches like this

this person sounds like a kid that still lives at home.. she has life easy i dont see the fml and yeah i know what that app is for you ass wipe, its supposed to be funny. not to vent about feelings

I have a mental illness as well and people get "tired" of it too. It's very frustrating but you have a right to how you feel. Try to find a counselor to talk to. It really helps and they understand where you are coming from.

grow some balls and enjoy life... simple. or get some good deep dickin in your life