By ashamed - 14/12/2014 02:02 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my dad and grandpa came to a charity event that I helped set up for people who have autism. I appreciated their support, until I heard my dad say "Man, some of these 'tards are pretty hot." and my grandpa replying "Yeah. Probably like dead fish in bed, though." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 133
You deserved it 3 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dafuq? ... That is beyond insensitive. It's downright rude! Karma will take care of them accordingly.


Let's hope, that only you heard. The actual f*ck is wrong with them?!

Don't get mad about insensitive things on a site that capitalizes in insensitivity, finding something funny isn't being a badass. Have fun defending mental health jokes on **** my life.

Your dad and grandpa are insensitive dickwads. My husband is Autistic, there are varying degrees of autism, he has aspergers and I can tell you he isn't a fish in bed and is very active, he is the most considerate and talented lover I have had. What they don't know is autistic's are very focused and notice your turn on and turn offs quicker than the average person.

Because she has an odd sense of humor, quit acting so offended

xxreikoxx 31

#93, we have every right to say something about your comment. If we want to be offended by your comment, then we're going to be offended by your comment. There's nothing funny about your comments at all.

nialls_girl 13

Older men tend to be insenitive...sorry, OP.

Well they are jackasses. Hopefully no one who is autistic heard them.