By snowman - 13/11/2010 23:04 - United States

Today, my city got almost a foot of snow. When I went out to my car, it was covered in snow with a layer of ice underneath. I went to open the trunk to get the window scraper, when the snow that had collected on the top of my back window slid into my trunk. My laptop was the recipient of most of the snow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 453
You deserved it 8 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My penis is extremely small and so I must compensate by screaming first. Wee-woo.

WHY would u have a laptop in the trunk???


WHY would u have a laptop in the trunk???

I like the last bit of your info, Logan XD True. And true about the trunk thing. Not only did OP not shove the ice out of the way before opening the trunk, they also didn't put the laptop in a carrying bag (even a non-waterproof one would have helped here). YDI, and FYL. It's always an FYL when someone's that dumb.

I agree, snow sucks. I hate it and it hates me!

Don't try to open it, let it dry! For months! I once dropped my ipod in water, I didn't touch it for months and when I tried opening it, it was still alive!! And omg, you know what? I use it to go on FML! =D

You could also stick it in a bag of rice and let it sit for a few hours. It sucks the moisture out. It works with phones, but because of the motherboard and extra components I'm not sure it would work.

nayeli760 0

Actually I tried that and it worked :)

With a laptop or a cell phone? It definitely works with cell phones but I'm very curious about how it would work with something more fragile like a laptop.

Why would you leave your laptop in the boot of your car over night?

You should've known there was gonna be an insane amount of snow, it IS minnesota.

KVKdragon 26

use your awesome waterbending skills to dry your laptop and melt the snow/ice off your car. JK. hope you had a warranty on your laptop. maybe you can get a new one if the warranty and coverage was good enough.

you should be happy. now no one can find your **** >.>

Have you heard of this amazing invention called a laptop case?

your laptop was probably messed up already, it's called condensation...not good for electronics