By Can't Win - 09/09/2012 15:01 - United States - Palatine

Today, my car keys decided to play hide and seek. Good news: I found them under my bed. Bad news: it was after my job interview was scheduled to start. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 091
You deserved it 6 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always keep your car keys in the same spot or else things like these happen!

Dblocker 18

I don't think telling the person interviewing you that you lost a game of hide and seek with your keys is a smart thing to do.


This is why when I'm getting ready for something important I get everything ready the night before.

I'm planning to invent something to solve that problem. It will also work with remote controls!

"Are you the Keymaster? I'm the Gatekeeper. Meet me under the bed! Hide and seek is our next game." ***You got some sneaky keys, OP!

Keep them on a hook on your wall, or get a chain and keep it around your belt loop.

3pi 6

This is why u should be organized at all times! But sorry op that must suck to miss a job interview.

You should try to hang them near the front door! It helps