By Username - 25/05/2011 16:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me I looked pretty. I said, "Aww, that's the first time you've said that to me." He replied, "Well, it's the first time you've looked pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 404
You deserved it 9 597

Same thing different taste


Lolpizza_fml 0

Why would you even want a boyfriend who treats you like that? You can do better! ;)

NirvantioNxTFR 1

didnt you read the post? sounds like she probly couldnt. xD

mirandalopez 0

i would b mad if my boyfriend told me that.. but hey he proly was jus joken!.

smasher33 0

Put some more effort into yourself then.....

bbaustin_roy17 0
TeeM_fml 0
jane79 0

maybe is not ugly he was just joking or she could be all right looking, she could be ugly don't know but he could be dating her money, a place to stay, who knows people will stay with someone for lots of reasons they don't have to be pretty for him to date

hahaha what a douuuuuche.. still that was rude :/

sxe_beast 11

Well maybe you should stop looking ugly, and keep looking pretty. How did you even get him in the first place?