By Anonymous - 04/05/2012 20:57 - Netherlands - Uithoorn

Today, my boyfriend thought it was a good show of etiquette to answer a text message from his ex, while he was still inside me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 143
You deserved it 3 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BF: Oh, hold your ****** a second, babe. OP: Why? BF: *Texts* I sent that bitch a smiley face. Bitches love smiley faces.

Texting during sex is never classy, folks.


thatoneguy79 10

Ms Alex, First, please take a chill pill before you blow a gasket. Secondly, despite your claims of intellect and no one knowing you, please realize that the first impression you present (aka your About Me section) is equivalent to the incoharent ramblings of a 15 year old drugee lesbian who stopped attending school after 3rd grade in order to work the corner and practice her make up. This is akin to you submitting a resume on a used piece of toilet paper; all the AP classes and honor degrees are meaningless when smeared in poop. You also felt the need to immediately lash out and explain how you are more intellegent then everyone that replied to your comment. I suppose you know this from getting to know each and everyone in depth; certainly not from jumping to any conclusions based on minimal facts presented. Please learn to relax and remember people will learn about you from the information you present. Funny how life works that way. And remember the tip about the resume; you will need that in a few years.

thatoneguy79 10

Today, I was doin' it with my girl when my bookie texted me to let me know I had 2 minutes to bring him some dough or I would be in a world of hurt. I grabbed my phone to let him know I needed a little more time to finish my current task at hand. My girl got all bent, asked who I was textin', like she was the Secret Service or somethin', so I told her it was my ex, so she wouldn't know about the 30 large I owed. She took my phone out of my hand and shoved it up my arse, then walked out on me. Now she's gone, my bookie broke my legs, and I cum every time my dealer calls me.

missprincess05 0

Things people do during sex these days . . .

adonica 0

Damn thats jst wrong that so not classy thats trashy

MsMeiriona 2

And he best now be YOUR ex, if you have any self respect.

holcombma 2
sir_blackness 2

so he was sexting. see what i did there?