By scratchy - 08/12/2010 14:56 - Israel

Today, my boyfriend refused to have his hair treated against lice, because "men don't have lice". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 274
You deserved it 3 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments


thats gross! I've had lice before and soon enough his itchy head is gonna drive him nuts!

and btw don't use mayo overnite like that nanny sed to cuz wen it is out too long it becomes poisonous Wich is a hazard if ur sleeping. just use olive oil evry nite for one week and then every other nite for two more weeks...but u still hav to comb it out with a lice comb daily until the three weeks r up

Convince him that it can spread and become crabs. He'll get rid of it asap.

sambasam 0

He probably has lice and doesn't want you to find out.