By A bit cowardly? - 19/05/2019 20:00

Today, my boyfriend of two years asked his friend to propose to me for him, because he was too nervous to do it himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 091
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

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I can understand being nervous to ask however he needs to buck up and do it. Hopefully you said "only if HE asks ME, not ask someone else to do it for him."

God I hope you said no. that really is pathetic.


Honestly to me a man who gets nervous around the girl he loves is very romantic. Me and my husband met at a trade school and only had about 10 minutes between class to talk. So we became friends and would write a daily note. Eventually he wrote one and asked me out. It was so cute and I could tell he was so nervous. So I wrote back only if he could ask me in person. He was downhearted but it wasn't a no. So eventually he asked me. And together we worked on bringing up each other's esteem and confidence. Now after 9 years together 5 of marriage<yes he was very nervous when proposing but he did it himself infront of our families>, he never gets nervous around me(which kind of sucks because it was so cute but I'm also happy he isn't as worried about me rejecting him!) maybe you should help him work on his confidence and assure him you love him if you do. If you don't and his nervousness is too much of an issue for you it's no wonder he didn't want to ask you his self. Value the nervousness. It's how you know he really worries about what you want and wants to be with you.