By apparentlyhesbusy - 23/11/2009 05:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost a year invited me over to dinner at his house. Before leaving, I called him to let him know I was on my way. Just as he begins to tell me he'll call me back, I hear another girl in the background say, "Why don't you just tell her you're busy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 722
You deserved it 2 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did he invite you in the first place?

Mx_Rider 6

damn,op that sucks simple solution, dump him.


OH NO! Another female? He must be a typical lying, cheating male. /feminazi Seriously. The "dump him" comments are getting old.

Flutist 3

Unless you have proof that he is cheating with someone and the person calling is not his family members, a friend who wants to get with him, or something like that, then don't jump to conclusions. Yeah it seems pretty hardcore that he is cheating... but we shouldn't jump... GET THE GUNS LADIES MAN HUNTING IS ON

bribold1 0

I guess to answer the girl's question: because he doesn't intend to be busy when the OP arrives

Ask him about it but if you think he is bullshiting then dump him!

ohhmygod this has happened to me before as well but i texted him and then i got a blocked call and it was this girl calling to say "gooo away!!!" and him saying "i lovee yooouuuu" in the backround. its the worst feeling!!

GAHH. Did you bother investigating? Do you know for sure it wasn't a sister, mother, cousin, or just a friend? Do you know that he was cheating on you and didn't just have something else going on at the time? Sure it's possible he was cheating on you, but people are so damned quick to jump to bad conclusions about their boyfriends/girlfriends without investigating further. Why would he have invited you round in the first place if he had another girl there (with whom he was cheating on you)?

It could be his mom or study partner or something.

Why does everyone keep saying she shouldn't jump to conclusions? She was invited over to his house and she then hears someone in the background telling him that he should just tell her he is busy. Why is he busy when he just invited her? It sounds suspicious, so she's going to be suspicious.

Hey, you never mother has said the exact same thing to me when I intended to bring friends over and she decided I shouldn't. Quite an embarrassing situation when said friends arrived and my mom was all pissed off about it. ME: Hey, you wanna come over for a while? FRIEND: What time? ME: How about hour? MOTHER: How about you just tell her you're busy Mother then proceeds to put her finger on the phone cradle, disconnecting my call.

xoluvinshayxo 0

he should chew it over with a twix(;

And who precisely was the person in the background? His sister, his mother (hey, it's possible), a cousin, a neighbor, an old friend, an ex-girlfriend, someone he's cheating on you with, some other person who happens to have a female-like voice - it could be a number of things. What she said could carry a number of different implications as well. Cut him a break until you get an explanation, and at that, you could probably corroborate it with other people that you or he knows. Until then, you really put the "ass" in "assumption."