By roseland - 07/07/2013 20:07 - United States - Hilton

Today, my boyfriend nicknamed my vagina after a local waterpark. It wasn't even that annoying until his friends started asking me how much I charged to let people "ride n' slide". FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 135
You deserved it 6 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If my friends said something like that to my wife, I would punch them in their faces.


41- while rude of her boyfriend, I don't think it constitutes dumping him. Also, girls can be too much at times too, and I am a girl. Guys and girls both can be "too much" at times, but that's when talking to each other comes into play.

How much? If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

perdix 29

6 dinners, 3 movies and a medium-long walk on the beach (or around a sewage treatment plant, if you are not near the ocean.)

graceinsheepwear 33

Sounds like someone has revealed his MO...

perdix 29

Yeah, the trick is finding a girl who can wolf down three dinners a night, so we can get down to business without too much jibber-jabber.

Tell his friends the reason why he named you after a water park. He has long waits to get on and it only lasts about 30 seconds.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Ya that always pisses me off when my boyfriend tells his friends things that were suppose to stay between us.

perdix 29

Tell them it's been shut down due to an E. coli oubreak caused by little kids ******** in it. Not only will that horrify and disgust your bf's friends, they will also shun him for being a freak.

"Park's closed. Moose out front shoulda told ya."

Just tell him the water park is closed

Wow. What a great boyfriend you have. -.-