By Anonymous - 02/11/2013 20:23 - Ireland

Today, my boyfriend left me for another girl. My dad's reaction to the news and my tears was to say, "Aww. Gonna write a song about it, Taylor Swift?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 994
You deserved it 8 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You see, when your 15 and somebody tells they love you, your gonna beleive them. So be positive, and when he comes crawling back just say we are never, ever, EVER! getting back together.


You should never get back together, like ever.

_sempiternus 11

My father says things like this to me all the time. OP, I don't think your dad meant to be insensitive or to hurt your feelings. He most likely was trying to make you laugh a little, to take your mind off of it... He just didn't really think it through. And as for your boyfriend, you deserve way better. This just proves that he wasn't right for you, and now you're one step closer to finding who is.

littlexlune 16
LoopyLuuLuu 7

I have a feeling that the poster left out an important piece of information... she really IS Taylor Swift!

Jboo333 3

ur dads funny as **** and ull laugh about it later. trust me. the guys a loser op u cld do better

You could try American Idol it would be a start...but I hope he didn't cause tear drops on your guitar...