By Pissedoff777 - 12/08/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend found out that if guys eat fruit often, their sperm will taste better. He bought a can of fruit for himself to eat, and said that he bought it just for me. This is the most romantic thing he's ever done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 376
You deserved it 7 873

Same thing different taste


Well OP, it's your boyfriend. You choose him, didn't you? And if you want him to be more romantic, it might help if you just ask him to do so.

... You can't just ask a guy to be romantic. I mean, you can, but even if he listens, it's not really romantic anymore, is it? It's just him doing you a favour, basically.

sourgirl101 28

I think it can still be romantic to have someone do you a favor. It's all in the wording ex: "I really like it when you......." Some guys are not mind readers and don't know what's important. Over time and seeing the positive outcome may inspire him to start doing it on his own. (: It's all about communication.

True true, but it's all like Sourgirl said. Your partner can't read your mind, therefore, communication is the keyword (even if that means you have to talk about unpleasant, very intimate, unromantic... things). I have said to my partner that I would find it very romantic (aka: would be immediately in the mood) if we once went to a nice restaurant and came back to a bedroom filled with rose pedals, candle light and romantic music. It still didn't happen yet, but I hope he will remember that conversation for a special occasion.

Yip, sperm is like fine wine - if 'cultivated' and nurtured properly, the taste can change drastically. Pineapple, strawberries and parsley make it sweeter.

Yip, sperm is like fine wine - if 'cultivated' and nurtured properly, the taste can change drastically. Pineapple, strawberries and parsley make it sweeter.

Hahahaha awww how cute I wish by bf would do stuff like that for me?

why put a question mark when your not asking a question? lol

She's not actually sure if she wants her boyfriend to do that?

KiddNYC1O 20

Why put your when it's you're/you are?

Masked00 4

I don't understand how this is a FML. Its a win win situation for both of you since he gets his BJ and you get to fill up your sweet tooth ;)

If this being the most romantic thing he's ever done for you is a problem, why don't you talk to him about it? But hey, at least he's thinking of you.

poorjudgement 26

And this is a FML exactly why?

And the protein makes your hair and nails grow! No FML here....