By brokeandsad - 03/01/2010 20:21 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a fight about a clogged toilet. He was yelling about not having enough money to buy a better plunger and so I stormed out to buy one myself. While pulling his truck into traffic, a car hit me causing $1000 in damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 580
You deserved it 9 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who would have thought one giant crap could end up costing around $1,000?

The car hit you, or you pulled out in front of someone illegally?


1800getalife 0

weren't you suppose to be in the house cooking and taking care of the house and children this is what happens when women want to do the " mens " job btw I'm being sarcastic

being a woman has absolutely nothing to do with having a car accident. men have accidents just as often, if not more often. Hence males having higher car insurance rates. as far as the fml.. i would think any plunger should do the job, so i would have to say, fyl.

ihateallpeople 0

no, males don't get into accidents as often. The accidents they do get into just cost more. Women actually get into more accidents per mile driven.

Spooksu 0

same as 13..if they hit u their insurance pay don't they...

tyty123_fml 0

it's not like it's yewr fault yew were jzz gonna buy a plunger so don't feel bad

dangletsbang21 0

yeah how much are plungers, they can't be expensive like what $5?

sounds like you were up shit street without a plunger!