By Holding - 24/08/2013 05:21 - United States - Staunton

Today, my boyfriend and I are on our way back from vacation. It will be an eight hour drive. It just so happens I got food poisoning the night before we left, and there's roadwork everywhere. We're at a dead halt with no signs of moving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 155
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoever is thinking about making "the comment", don't do it.

perdix 29

Hmm, getting downvoted sounds like a *lowers sunglasses* shitty situation.


As forest gump said "shit happens" just do your business while in traffic since you really have no other choice at the moment I'm sorry that happened to you.

Wasn't there an alternate route you could have taken?

Toss them out the window to people who deserve it. You don't want that smell in your car.

micvilla36 2
kokoroddd 2

YDI for eating thousands of cans of beans. Woo I did that once. Not fun at all =(

sorry to hear ur sick hope u feel better

Well this is a shitty situation ... Sorry about it though

Oooh. That cars going to smell kinda funky when you get back, not your fault though, hope your boyfriend is understanding though... I had salmonella a few years back and thought I was going to die so I really sympathise with you OP.