By mypelvishurts - 23/02/2013 07:32 - United States - Santa Rosa

Today, my boss told me to go outside and take part in the company's stupid Harlem Shake video. When I declined, he threatened to fire me if I didn't take part. I ended up being the guy who had to furiously pelvic thrust before the music dropped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 193
You deserved it 6 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just laugh it off op at the rate these Harlem shake videos are popping up on the web your company's will just be another grain of sand in the desert and consider the pelvic thrusting an endurance exercise for when you get to sleep with your bosses wife.


KSlocum 5

I know the feeling. My old college made us do that to Sexy and I Know It.

Look on the bright side, OP. If you get fired you can always work in a strip club and shake yer stuff... Those lap dances are lucrative!

Never watched a Harlem Shake video, but I'm sick of seeing them popping up everywhere.

yzzami 17

Maybe dance so terribly that they dont want you in the video

I'm so annoyed by the Harlem Shake now, sorry OP, and that was a nice way of wording.

That's a token of respect from him since that's the coveted role. Be grateful OP.

sexypersianbunny 4

I saw it for the first time yesterday! I just thought it was dumb and I'm already tired of it but hey, whatever floats people's boats!