By anonymous - 30/06/2010 04:05 - United States

Today, my aunt and I wanted to do something nice. So we made cookies for a local nursing home. After tasting them, nobody ate any. FML
I agree, your life sucks 392
You deserved it 72

Top comments

I volunteer at a nursing home and just as 54 said, you can only give food to someone who is a relative. I used to buy diet coke for my grandfather when I went there :) and it's not like they can't have sweets. The nursing home I go to has an ice cream parlor and anyone who wants some can have some if they go there!


A hungry person will eat anything. Except your cookies.

That's so weird. All the elderly people I know love sweets. O_o

did u burn them??????????????????? wth

Taste your concotion before giving it to old people :)

Yeah they love soup I make soup for old people all the time and they love me for it I am a soup god

You did something nice and it's the thought that counts.