By anonymous - 30/06/2010 04:05 - United States

Today, my aunt and I wanted to do something nice. So we made cookies for a local nursing home. After tasting them, nobody ate any. FML
I agree, your life sucks 392
You deserved it 72

Top comments

I volunteer at a nursing home and just as 54 said, you can only give food to someone who is a relative. I used to buy diet coke for my grandfather when I went there :) and it's not like they can't have sweets. The nursing home I go to has an ice cream parlor and anyone who wants some can have some if they go there!


Next time do something useful. Ask the home what they need the most. Someone to come and talk to them will mean more than some random cookies. My grandmother was in a nursing home. They are all lonely confused and depressed. Cookies were a nice thought but the time probably could have been put to better use.

I'd prefer cookies any day of the week before talking to a random stranger that pities me because I'm "old and lonely".

Ooooooo.... FYL. Sorry about that. That probbably made ya pissed off.

Probably because you were going around complaining about stupid shit. Noo onneee caarreess about your cookieless old folk OP...what a friggin weird FML.

What the **** are you complaining about? You now have a shitload of cookies to eat!

They're probably all diabetic. Screw old people anyhow.