By anonymous - 28/07/2011 05:39 - United States

Today, my 4 year-old daughter's favorite expression became "shit balls." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 430
You deserved it 16 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fricknugget 3

LMFAO it might be me my new one too!!:P


mercurieangel 0

ha! this is something my 4yr old might say..but I'm grateful both my daughters have learned those are "adult words" mommy has a truckers mouth... :x

i think i'll like the expression your wife will give you better when she hears her say that

icadragoon 11

Teach her dingle berries, it has a nicer ring to it.

mercurieangel 0

exactly right! I say f*ck all the time but both my girls don't repeat it, my oldest knows there is worse out there, I'm just lucky she has no desire to say it. this day and age there is way worse phrases then "shit balls" I'd probably laugh if my girls said that cause if that's as bad as it gets well...shit balls I'm good :)p

HAHAHA sorry! How does that even happen? lol who uses that expression xD

bsg8328 0

my coach calls our team that!!!! hahahahahahaah.

Must have come from somewhere but who knows where - other kids, nursery (day-care) etc are all well beyond a parent's control (although there would be hell to pay if our girls picked something like that up from the staff at our nursery). She probably has no idea that it's bad or what it means so you might find you can divert her into saying "snow balls" or something perfectly innocent that will mean more to her.

ok so a 4 year old should never talk like that but that is hysterical. I just want to hear them say it once before they get punished.

lulzmylife 4

YDI for being a crappy parent. If you let your kids be exposed to that kind of stuff, of course they're going to repeat it. Rocket science, it ain't.