By anonymous - 28/07/2011 05:39 - United States

Today, my 4 year-old daughter's favorite expression became "shit balls." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 430
You deserved it 16 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fricknugget 3

LMFAO it might be me my new one too!!:P


zacthedrile 4

you deserve it... trolllololol

she probobly learned it from rhony betheny frankel always says it

Haha That'ss Nott Ay FML. Thats A Fuckinqg Winn Att Lyfee. ! I Wouldd Bee Proudd (:

this should be on MLA or whatever it's called haha

evey661 5
Kenya72083 0

haha!! kids pick up on what they hear and repeat it. thats just nature. its ur job as a parent to teach her right from wrong so she stops. I admit, I have a potty mouth and the 1 time I heard my daugter say "oh shit!" after she got punished I explained why she was punished. now she says "ooohhhh Mommy, u said a bad word!" or "ur not supposed to say that word." call me a hypocrit, but I haven't caughter her cursing in over 3 yrs and she's going on 7.

mercurieangel 0

that's right! my girls also say "those are bad words mommy says, we can't use them" guess I did better at parenting them my parents did at parenting me! haha

smashleighfig 0

YDI, A child learns words from her parents.

mercurieangel 0

not always true. children can learn from anyone including tv,radio,ect. you just have to talk to your kids early on about what is appropriate talk. I admit I have a bad mouth but my almost 8 yr old has only 1 time at 3 yrs old said shit, and I explained to her, that even though I have said it,doesn't mean it's right and that she shouldn't use them. she hasn't said it since.

mariet_fml 23

I went to the store with my niece, someone next to me said "**** bitches!" Guess what my niece started saying? Kids pick up anything they hear at any time, unless you lock them away and never let anyone speak near them.

Sounds like something Cartman would say.