By ElamentalAngel - 06/05/2009 17:04 - United Kingdom

Today, my 3 year old nephew was sitting on my knee at the computer. He was annoying me as he kept on pressing all the buttons. To scare him off I did a creepy voice in his ear that makes him cry. He turned round and broke my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 331
You deserved it 83 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cg3780byoch 0

a-hole...why would you want to make a 3 year old cry?

skitz 0

haha, looks like he doesn't have to worry about creepers.


#99... YOU'RE also a stupid loser. Note the YOU'RE. Not YOUR.

Hey, atleast the kid faced his fears.

bubblybrooke 12

YDI for trying to make him cry!!! meanyface!!

Dude You are an EPIC FAIL your nephew can kick your ass.

YDI, even I could see that coming. Most people don't react well to you scaring them and its really not fair considering he's 3 and short enough to not reach the keys if you set him on the floor.

why would you want to make him cry? just move him off your knee. meanie.

Lil1LawensKie 0

most of the comments on here make this not even enjoyable.

imthebestfriend 0

my brother punched my cousin and gave him a bloody nose. my brother was 2 and our cousin was 10