By younggrammy - 20/08/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my 14 year old daughter told me she's pregnant. I work as a public speaker for promoting celibacy and safe sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 208
You deserved it 45 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im guessing your daughter never came to one of these speakings right?

dspadres 0

I didn't know Sarah Palin visited FML! Awesome.


No wonder she's 14 ad pregnant. After finding out you post an FML on how bad this will make you look. Think what she is going through. You're a pretty selfish parent.

YmostlikelyDI 0

YDI for imposing your beliefs on others. No one gives a **** what YOU think, everyone has their own mind and their own life and can do whatever the hell they want, what's it to you?!

Your comment made me smile. She's not brainwashing people. They still have free will. She's simply stating her beliefs. Sort of like you did when you posted your comment. It's cute how you gave her grief for 'imposing [her] beliefs on others' by imposing your beliefs on us. :)

boatkicker 4

What's wrong for promoting what you believe in? OP believes in abstinence and safe sex. I think those are good things to believe in. If you disagree, that's fine. you can promote "no birth control or condom and sex for all!" Yeah, some people dont care. Others do. Besides that it's OP's job ("I work as a public...") "YDI a pregnant daughter for havign a job that discourages that" is pretty ridiculous, IMO.

And only too late did I realize that I basically copied #53's post. But great minds think alike, eh?

annamg 0

How old are you? Thirteen? It's always the brat teenagers who shriek about "omgz let me do whatever I waaaant!"

Wow. 14. That's way too young. I hope you talk some serious sense into her.

YDI for not using a condom when you "axidently got pregnent" of ure 14 year old dawter. You olso have a gay job. Next time use a condom. BiTCH...

blahdasteph 0
DuxHuntin 0

Ya know if you would have spent more time worrying about your own damn kid and less time pushing your values off on everyone around you, you may not have found yourself in this situation! You suck as a parent. You suck as a teacher. you suck as a person. YDI!!!! Asshole!

I have two things to say. First, I don't think you should be promoting celibacy. If I'm correct, the old definition of that word is abstaining from marriage forever by your own free will. These days it means willingly abstaining from sexual intercourse forever. If you say that to your kids, are you at all SURPRISED that they started having sex as soon as they found out it's NOT normal never have sex? I'm hoping you taught safe sex to your kid(s) instead of celibacy, because there's a positive correlation between percentage of teenage mothers and the number of schools with abstinence-only sex education. Second, you have a pregnant 14 year old and the first thing you do is post it on the internet? You should be banned from lecturing audiences when you clearly make stupid choices, granted not as stupid as your daughter, but she's 14 and you're what, 30-something?

letitbe56 0

OP, celibacy is when you remain both unmarried and free of all sexual contact for your entire life, as priests do. Are you sure you didn't mean abstinence? Your mixing up the terms makes me suspicious of the genuineness of this FML. However, I suspect you are to blame for not knowing that your daughter was having sex. It is your job, plain and simple, to make sure she knows enough not to make a mistake like this. Clearly, you didn't do it.

If you were teaching what I think you were teaching, and I have a sinking suspicion that it's that abstinence only bullshit, then you definitely had it coming to you.

How can you promote safe sex AND abstinence? Arent they like, opposites?

hotpockets92 0

celibacy and safe sex arent the same things