By meggiemouse - 09/07/2011 18:00 - United States

Today, marks the seventh day of having my nose pierced. I'd done everything I was supposed to do, even sleeping with a band-aid over it. This morning, I woke up to my piercing being ripped out by my pillow, and the band-aid nowhere in sight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 776
You deserved it 14 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your pillow has a vendetta out for you. Sleep with one eye, or nostril, open.

simply_improper 1

sounds like youre a violent sleeper


maddy3martin 0

that happens to me all the time I got flat nose rings and I put medical tape over them I rip it out alot less often now

How the hell did you manage that? I've had my nose pierced for over two years abduction its never come out in my sleep. o.o

mine fell out when I was sleeping too, the night after i got it. i was so pissed. you have to get one with a curved back so it doesn't fall out!

KBip11 0

nose rings are unattractive anyways.. it's for the best.

i've never known someone to put a band aid over a nose ring. and that def happens. my blanket pulled mine out. just clean it and put it back. no biggie

that happened to me the other day, just get another stud or ring in the piercing before either side closes.

jowho 0

I've had mine ripped out by sunglasses, by changing clothes, but the WORST is when your sound asleep and get woke up by your nose stinging and bleeding and then having to search for your nose ring half asleep. it rocks! :-/

Umm I've Had My Nose Pierced For Almost A Year And I Actually Want To Be A Piercing&Tattoo Artist,, But Yew Do Know Yewr Not Supposed To Put A BandAid Over And Piercing Cuz It Suffocates It And ProLongs The Healing Process. Piercings Need To Be Able To 'Breathe' Until Fully Healed. But If Yew Wait For About 4-5 Months,, Yew Can Get It RePierced.

courtney1313 8

I've had mine pierced for about 3 weeks. I've had mine ripped out by one of my friends i shared a bed with at a sleepover. It was a hot bloody mess, so i feel for you. Also, it comes out at least once every 3 nights. (I'm a crazy sleeper) Fortunately, the ring just slides through the next morning