By sashimieater - 31/05/2011 01:59 - United States

Today, it was the last day of school. My students shared what they thought of me. Expecting to hear wonderful things, all of their complaints can be summed up in a few words: I'm a liar, a killer of dreams, I need to grow up, and I was a big disappointment to them. I'm a first-year teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 333
You deserved it 14 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrittanyCelesteP 0

...Maybe over the summer you should consider changing a smidge.

Teachers like you are the reason society has gone backwards. No wonder teen suicide rates are going up, teens living on the streets doing drugs and alcohol, get high off paint and petrol and then start graffitiying everywhere. Yea you should be shot. Jks, that sucks OP, should have brought them all cookies and ice-cream on their last day! Suddenly you'll be their favorite teacher!


supersexy69 0

sound like my English teacher

sharkwkrox 0

this is sad. like literally sad,

if your name is Dayton then you suck dick

look at it this way if they spent disappointment right, you did something right. XD

It doesn't sound like you teach little kids, because little kids are not vindictive and would never say things like that. Older kids are *****, and they are that way because of their parents. They live with ridicule, so they learn to condemn. If they hate you because you enforced the rules, set expectations, and made them work, then don't change a thing.

On the contrary, maybe it's more of an EffYourStudentsLives? Since you've apparently killed their hopes and dreams.