By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 03:44 - United States

Today, it was my daughter's birthday. She had been wanting a cat for a long time, so I went to the animal shelter and got an orange one. As soon as she saw it, she ran upstairs screaming, "GINGER! GINGER!" She refuses to come downstairs until I get rid of "the soulless creature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 046
You deserved it 8 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments


SIGH... Why rip someone off because of the way they were born???? It's insensitive, ignorant and plain stupid. oh yes and karma is a bitch... enjoy your ginger kids coming home crying.....

Acousticpixie14 6

Of course. It's never the parent's fault.

who exposed the child, who by the sounds of it is very young, to south park and such discrimination? and who was the parent who did not talk to the child and explain that it was a joke and not to be taken so seriously, and that such judgments of creatures because of their color is not right? ydi

JayBear14 11

your daughter is an ungrateful bitch, keep the cat.

kayPandastyle 15

Hahah damn ither she's been watching south park or children of the corn lol

Hidan_fml 0

someone watches too much south park.... LOL

sammie3312 0

I'm a Ginger lol I love when people say we have no souls they have been watching to much south park

Here's a thought for the OP. Monitor what your child watches on tv. I love South Park, but my young child wouldn't be watching it. You are the parent. Act like one. TV is not a babysitter/role model/teacher etc...

I just own a Ginger o 3o His name is Copper. He's a Ginger and enjoys long walks on the beach.