By blah - 01/02/2010 06:43 - France

Today, it's officially been two weeks since I found out I have mono. It's also been two weeks since anyone has visited me, called me, or even emailed me. The real kicker? I'm now fired from my job because they can't believe I can have mono twice in one year. I guess I'm just lucky that way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 246
You deserved it 3 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had mono and it's horrible. People shouldn't act like that. You don't even do anything and you get it. And you can only get it once in most cases. Fyl indeed for having people in your life who don't understand. And first, who cares If your first? And then you add ew? You're lucky you've never had it.


work can't fire you because of an Illness..... call labour relations on them, cause that's not right and OP find new people who care about you!

I have mono right now, and I looked it up online. You cannot have mono twice, ever. Like, EVER.

ya I got it too. from my ex he dumped me a week later over text.

lllmsbrt09 0

Ive had it twice in one year. Its not impossible.

SexOnFire520 0

Once you get mono, it never goes away. I got it at 13 and get flare ups whenever I don't sleep. I thought I had mono "again" but it was just a flare up that lasted a few days. Ask your doctor.

hihowudern 0

anyone who is saying u can only get mono once is wrong u can get it 1 or 100 times ur body doesn't build immunity to it

euh?!? they can't fire u for being sick ? that's not legal in Canada anyways .... go to work n contaminate them bastards

kerboai 3

#142... Ive had mono twice too once from sharing my tuba mouth peice and once from sharing a drink... Its not always from kissing...

athena3100 9

Mono never goes away. Only the symptons do. So ultimatily, you will have Mono untill you die....