By NosChersVoisins - 01/07/2014 04:55 - France - Bordeaux

Today, it's my birthday. My next-door neighbours gave me a stool and some rope. FML
I agree, your life sucks 484
You deserved it 38

Top comments

dakid87 10

Damn I'm sorry. Happy Birthday!!!

Cwizer 17

Hey, he remembered!! That's good!


Don't feel so bad dude. I'm going to assume they have a sick sense of humor which I can sort of relate. Not like the time my cousin hung himself and my ex boss told me to 'hang in there' she was a blonde

When it's there birthday give them a rope and the stool and say karma's a bitch

And use the stool to sit on and watch them suffer?

I wish I knew the history between you and your neighbor... I feel like no one would do that without somewhat of a reason. (not just to be a dick)

notorious_me 13

I don't know why so many people misinterpreted the OP. I think this FML is obvious, they forgot the soap...

Those are really bad neighbors. I'm sorry OP. I hope your birthday was good otherwise

nicr_freeman 7

Maybe they just want to HANG out with you. Eh? No? Okay sorry :(