By garfwebba - 03/01/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend didn't get me a present. He did, however, get me a card from our cat. He signed it "Have a purrrrfect birthday." Then he left to go to work. I was alone all day long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 475
You deserved it 6 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh noo!!! He was going to work making a living and you were left all alone to do nothing? That's too cruel!

...What? At least he remembered. It's not like he can take a day off just because it's your birthday, you know. The fact that you were alone all day was your own fault, get some friends.


ThankYhuCaptinOb 0

Wow I feel so bad .... ( she says sarcastic )

Boohoo.. maybe he'll give you something AFTER work? stupid selfish bitch

well some people.have a job and you can't always get the day off.

What do you mean you were alone?? Where was the cat?

OP, you sound like a spoiled drama queen. Your bitching is nothing but a sign of being needy and demanding/expecting things in life. Your boyfriend did not forget your birthday. He did get you something. If you don't want to be alone while he's at work, do something with your life that doesn't require spending every single minute of it with your boyfriend. YDI for bitching about something when there's nothing to bitch about.

People can't just miss work because someone they know has a birthday.

allihall127 0

I'm not gonna go as far as these people by saying that you're a selfish, demanding, needy, spoiled rotten bitch. It's not like you were saying, "My boyfriend didn't get me a Mustang for my birthday like I wanted. FML" It's just that you wanted to spend some priceless time with him on your special day, and that is by no means selfish. However, it's true that people can't take days off whenever they feel like it from work. Try to find something else fun to do today, like with friends or something, and then you guys can spend some time together at night. And the card from the cat, don't be too upset about it. Not all guys are very emotional and sentimental and they have different ways of showing their love. Just smile about it, he was obviously thinking about you. :)

That sounds kind of sweet, you selfish bitch.

Audi___S5___GT 0
waterynuggets 0

Rofl I just laughed so hard at this comment